Unity Fitness is a private training facility in La Crosse, WI. Unity focuses on delivering custom training, nutrition, and recovery plans to individuals looking to boost strength and gain confidence to take on all of life's adventures, specializing in helping people boost golf performance, get out of pain, and more.
Our Unity Anywhere Online Store offers you access to our experst and the training programs proven to get lastingresults and designed by our internationally-awarded coaches. Each program is designed for achieiving a specific goal. These programs are built off doing daily workouts, but strategicially progressed and maniupulated over the course of the program to boost results and performance.
These programs are delivered by our partners, BridgeAthletics, using their state-of-the-art technology used by the pros and college athletics and is the same technology we use in-person at Unity Fitness. The app will allow you to train anywhere and comes complete with Performance Logs, vidoe demonstration and instructions, notes, tracking, and more.