Phase | Goal | #Wks | #Days |
Prepration | The first phase introduces exercises and movements targets Full-body & design to establish core foundation, range of motion, movement efficiency, stability and multi-joint mobility. | 3 | 3 |
Strength I | Focus will be placed on maintaining the core principles of the previous phase (increased mobility, stability, movement efficiency, and decrease in asymmetries), all while seeking an increase in training capacity. You should expect increased volume from the previous phase. | 4 | 3 |
Strength II | This phase focuses on an increase in strength to support movements. During this phase, the volume decreases and the external resistance increases with a focus on fundamental movement patterns. | 4 | 3 |
Power | During the Power phase of this program, you will complete the transition from strength-based work to speed work. The primary focus is explosive power through the recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers. | 4 | 3 |
Transition | During this period, the overall intensity, volume, and external resistance is significantly decreased, while core and stability are emphasized. An increased focus will be placed on the warmup and recovery blocks of your workouts. This will help prepare your body to regenerate. | 1 | 3 |
This systematic approach prepares a professional volleyball player to meet the high physical demands of the sport by enhancing both performance and longevity in their career. This periodised workout include: