Unlocking Greatness (Age 15+) The Advanced Goalie Strength and Conditioning Program

Unlocking Greatness is a comprehensive and individualized workout program designed for hockey goalies who want to maximize their potential and achieve greatness on the ice. This program is available through a subscription-based model, where goalies will receive a personalized workout plan that is monitored and updated in real-time based on their progress and feedback.


The program is divided into monthly phases, each of which is tailored to meet the current training requirements of the goalie. In the off-season, from April/May to August, the program gradually increases the volume and intensity of workouts to help goalies build strength, endurance, and agility. During this time, goalies will focus on building a strong foundation, improving their technique, and working on their deficiencies.


As the season approaches, the program begins to taper the training to meet the in-season demands from September to March/April. During this time, the workouts will be adjusted to maintain the goalie's fitness level while reducing the risk of injury and ensuring they are well-rested for competition. The program will also focus on maintaining the goalie's mental and emotional well-being during the competitive season.


Unlocking Greatness is a proven program that builds elite athletes. Designed by Marian Schmied (S&C Coach of Dukla Trencin and Slovakia U17 ice hockey teams, Comenius University Bratislava – BSc, Certifications: EXOS pm 1,2,XPS, XFS, CFSC 1-2, EXOS-advanced strength & power, FMS 1-2, Altis-need for speed,DNS) and Connor LaCouvee, (Boston University – BBA, Minnesota State Mankato- MSSM, 6th year professional goalie) this program helps goalies achieve their full potential and unlock greatness on the ice.



LaCouvee Goaltending is run by 6th year professional goalie Connor LaCouvee ( BBA - Boston University, MSSM - Minnesota State Mankato). He offers on-ice/off-ice, hand eye, mobility, and strength and conditioning programs.

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