The Golfer's Ultimate Warm-Up Program

This Ultimate Warm-Up is a series of complete physical warm-up programs for every level of golfer, from first-timers to PGA Tour Pro's. The warm-up is best completed at the course BEFORE picking up a club to hit balls.


There are 7 Levels and 1 Bonus Programs that is matched to the physical fitness level of the golfer, NOT their handicap.


  • Level 1: Kids - Perfect for first-timers and younger athletes
  • Level 2: Beginner - For those just starting to get into golf with limited physical fitness
  • Level 3: Intermediate - For the average recreational player looking to get loose without spending too much time
  • Level 4: Advanced - For the average player looking to improve their performance on the course with a complete physical warm-up
  • Level 5: Elite - For competitive players that want to perform at a high-level and stay injury free while doing it
  • Level 6: PRO - Not for the faint of heart, this warm-up is fit for Tour Professionals
  • Champions Tour Essentials - For the senior golfer, this warm-up contains simple exercises to increase blood flow and promote a fluid swing
  • BONUS: 5 Minutes or Less - For the golfer that shows up at the tee time instead of before, this warm-up is bare necessities only for when you're short on time


What equipment is needed?



How much does it cost?



How do I get started?

  1. Purchase this program
  2. Download the BridgeAthletic App from the app store
  3. Accept your email invite (from BridgeAthletic) and create a password
  4. Log in on the Bridge app with your email and password
  5. Access your warm-up programs instantly


Ready to go? Let's get started!


Using the BRIDGE app:

Bridge is a free application that allows you to access the digital training program. Once logged in, you will have access to every Level of Warm-Up, along with HD videos demonstrating and specific reps for each exercise.





Train Like a Pro is a Health + Performance initiative that brings the latest science and education in professional training to athletes of ALL skill levels.

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