This program is designed to improve an athlete's speed, quickness, explosiveness, and ability to change direction through a combination of drills and exercises that focus on developing power, speed, and agility. The purpose of this program is to improve an individual's ability to move quickly and change direction with precision and control. The beginner level is not your level of sports but rather being new to speed drills, hopping, bounding, body weight strength, core strength, and plyometrics. If you are in need of any of this type of training then this program could be right for you!
The 12-18 week program has 5 workouts per week built into it to establish daily training habits throughout the week and to build overall strength, flexibility, core stability, explosiveness, sprint speed, and agility. Days 1, 3, and 5 are shorter workouts designed to be done at home and focus on core strength, general strength training, and flexibility. Days 2 and 4 are designed to be done outside on a field with about 60 yards of space or more and focus on speed drills, jumping, bounding, sprinting and plyometrics. This program involves follow along videos demonstrating drills and exercises that improve an athlete's overall speed, strength, explosiveness, running form, stride length, cadence and athleticism.
There are six phases to this program with each phase lasting 2-3 weeks and progressing in volume and intensity. I recommend testing your vertical jump, broad jump and your 40 times at the beginning and every 4 weeks to gauge your progress throughout the program. You will have support and direct access to me if you have questions or have an exercise you don't think you are doing correctly, please message me in the bridge app and send me a video of you doing the exercise and I can assess what you might need to correct. Good luck and keep me posted on how its going!
Program Duration: 12-18 weeks, 5 days per week
Recommended Equipment: Just your body weight, a good set of dumbbells, a large open field and a mat for core exercises and stretching.
This program will be delivered through the BridgeAthletic app and you will be added to my organization! Within Bridge, you'll be able to track all your training to clearly view your progress throughout the program.
Here are the steps to follow: