Rehab - Neck/Upper/Middle Back

Revitalize Your Neck and Mid-Back: A Comprehensive Rehab Journey


Struggling with neck pain or stiffness in your mid-back? Discover a holistic solution with our dynamic Neck and Middle Back Rehab Program. This 8-week journey is designed to liberate you from discomfort, offering a roadmap to restore mobility, enhance postural strength, and revitalize the intricate network of muscles including the rhomboids, scalenes, traps, and deep cervical neck flexors. Dive into a regimen that promises not just relief but a transformation in how you move and feel every day.


Who Is This Program For?


  • Individuals with Acute or Chronic Neck and Mid-Back Pain: Overcome pain caused by poor posture, prolonged sitting, or specific injuries.
  • Post-Surgical Recovery: Navigate the path to full recovery with structured rehabilitation after spinal surgeries.
  • Desk Workers: Address and reverse the effects of long hours spent at a desk.
  • Athletes and Active Individuals: Enhance performance and resilience in sports or activities that stress the neck and mid-back.
  • Those with Spinal Conditions: Find relief and support for conditions like degenerative disc disease or herniated discs.
  • Anyone Experiencing Tension Headaches: Alleviate headaches linked to neck stiffness with focused exercises.
  • Older Adults Seeking Improved Spinal Health: Maintain or enhance spinal health for a better quality of life.


Program Highlights:


  • Personalized Approach: Tailored interventions focusing on neurodynamics and enhancing neural mobility.
  • Pain Management and Mobility Enhancement: Learn techniques to progressively improve range of motion and reduce stiffness.
  • Strengthening Core and Adjacent Areas: Build a strong foundation that supports and optimizes knee function.


Program Structure:


  • Phase 1: Recovery - Establish a solid base for rehabilitation, focusing on pain management and inflammation reduction.
  • Phase 2: Repair - Dive into tissue healing and movement restoration to rebuild strength and ensure pain-free movement.
  • Phase 3: Strengthening - Develop muscle strength and functional performance, preparing for a return to daily activities.
  • Phase 4: Restoring Function - Achieve optimal function and movement integrity, readying you for a confident and healthy return to regular activities.


Embrace a future where neck and mid-back pain no longer dictate your day-to-day life. With our program, you're not just finding temporary relief; you're embarking on a journey toward lasting wellness and enhanced physical performance. Each phase, supported by follow-along videos, is a step closer to reclaiming the vibrant, active lifestyle you deserve.


Begin Your Path to Recovery: Commit just 20 minutes a day, six days a week, and witness the transformative power of dedicated rehab. Your revitalized neck and mid-back await.


Our app-based program is designed for consistency and completion. If life interrupts, you have a two-week grace period after app access ends, and you can request a PDF of your workout anytime by emailing us.

Consider our annual membership for year-long access to all programs and the flexibility to add any program upon request at Initial app access includes all rehab, prehab, and mobility programs, with the option to add more as needed. We're here to support your fitness journey effectively and efficiently.



How it works: 

This program will be delivered through the BridgeAthletic app and you will be added to my organization!  Within Bridge, you'll be able to track all your training to clearly view your progress throughout the program.


Here are the steps to follow: 

  1. Purchase this program
  2. Download the BridgeAthletic App from the app store
  3. Accept your email invite (from BridgeAthletic) and create a password
  4. Log in on the Bridge app with your email and password
  5. Begin training instantly







Learn how you'll train on the Bridge app!






Boulder FIT Health & Performance was conceived to bridge the gap between movement and neuroscience for complete injury rehabilitation and to optimize human performance.

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