Fitness is Easy (FULL SLATE)

go from average joe to ~gym pro~ with this fully guided, efficient strength and conditioning program

  • Combining all 4 levels of “Fitness is Easy” programs, this 12 month program takes you from average joe to gym pro
  • Or you're not sure which level is right for you, this program allows you to test each one out and switch levels when you want
  • First 8 weeks teach you basic strength movements and lower intensity cardio with just 4 workouts per week (2 strength, 2 cardio)
  • Weeks 9-16 progress both strength and cardio, and you up your frequency to 5 days then 6 days per week (it's ok if you miss workouts, just follow the program in order)
  • Weeks 17-24 take it to the next level, adding conditioning/HIIT to the end of your strength days while keeping 6x/week
  • After that you move to 'pro': plyos, lower rep ranges, higher weights, harder all around
  • Workouts are all 30-45 minutes
  • Videos, sets, reps, progressions, and intensities included
  • Once you get to weights and you plug in your first weights, machine learning will recommend weights for you for the rest of the program based on intensities I pre-programmed for you.
  • Equipment needed: Full program can be done with just dumbbells, but having cables, swiss ball, Kettlebell, Trap bar, ab wheel would be even cheekier.
  • if you're unsatisfied with the program, your payment is fully refundable.  Also, you can add the other programs, or switch to other difficulties without additional charge, just an email




Vices Fitness - where fitness is easy

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