Carson's 5 Week Functional Strength & Power

In this 5-week program, you will pack on lean muscle mass while keeping the body functional and athletic!


This is a 4-day per week program consisting of 2 lower body and 2 upper body training days. It is designed to improve all areas of functional fitness: strength, power, mobility, stability, balance, and athleticism. The exercise selection, volume, and/or intensity will be progressed from week to week. 

Each of the fundamental movement patterns is included in this program: squat, hinge, lunge, push, pull, carry, and rotation/anti-rotation. Workouts are designed for equipment found in the common commercial gym. 

Alternative exercises are included in the compound exercises for progressions or regressions based on the intensity or required skill level of the exercise. Pay close attention to the intensity prescription %, RPE, and ideal reps in reserve for each set.

Each workout includes:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Dynamic Stretching/Mobility
  3. Movement Prep
  4. Power
  5. Compound Strength Blocks
  6. Accessory Work
  7. Conditioning






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