12 Week Summer Pitcher Development Routine

12 Week Summer Pitcher 

Development Program


This 12 week program is designed for starting pitchers over the course of the summer ball. 

About the Program:

The purpose of this program is to provide high school and college pitchers with a strength and power developmental plan during summer ball. This 6 day per week program that can be aligned with a pitchers (Starting or Reliever) weekly routine.


Starting Pitcher Example Routine (knows what day they are STARTING):

Day 0 - GAME / START 

Day 1- Post Start Restoration (Day following start)

Day 2 - Total / Lower Body Emphasis

Day 3 - Recovery / Resiliency

Day 4 - Total / Upper Body Emphasis

Day 5 - Recovery / Resiliency

Day 6 - CNS Ramp Up (Day before start)

Day 7 - GAME / START


HS Select Pitcher/Position Example Routine (Games Thursday - Sunday...could pitch or play any day):

Day 1 - Monday - Post Start Restoration 

Day 2 - Tuesday - Lower Body Emphasis

Day 3 - Wednesday - Upper Body Emphasis

Day 4 - Thursday - CNS Ramp Up

Day 5 - Friday - GAMES - 

Day 6 - Saturday - GAMES Recovery / Resiliency (if time allows)

Day 7 - Sunday  - GAMES

Program consists of THREE 4 Week Blocks 

Block I - Tendon Integrity is built to re-introduce training volume after a long in-season period and prepare the tissues for the following blocks 

Block II - Strength Development is in place to build strength and add functional mass

Block III - Power Expression will use heavy loaded movements to stimulate maximal power supersets


This program is to be run in conjunction with your weekly throwing routine.  It contains the following elements....







Arm Care 

Aerobic Conditioning

This program involves follow along videos demonstrating all drills and exercises along with alternative exercises for variety, and or in case a lack of equipment is present. 


Program Duration: 12 weeks, 6 days per week


How it works: 

This program will be delivered through the BridgeAthletic app. You'll be able to track all your training to clearly view your progress throughout the program.


Here are the steps to follow: 

  1. Purchase this program
  2. Download the BridgeAthletic App from the app store
  3. Accept your email invite (from BridgeAthletic) and create a password
  4. Log in on the Bridge app with your email and password
  5. Begin training instantly




"Following this program has given me the ability to understand how I should structure my weekly training around starts over the summer. -Jack Q.


Learn how you'll train on the Bridge app!






Zach has been in place since 2008 at TCU and is the current Assistant Athletic Director of Human Performance. He has overseen the development of TCU Baseball for 15 years. During that time he has worked with numerous professional, collegiate, and high sc

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